St. Bernard of Clairvaux
St. Bernard, Abbot and Doctor of the Church St. Bernard was born of noble parentage in Burgundy, France, in the
St. Bernard, Abbot and Doctor of the Church St. Bernard was born of noble parentage in Burgundy, France, in the
John Eudes was born at Ri, Normandy, France, on November 14, 1601, the son of a farmer. He went to
Empress mother of Constantine the Great. She was a native of Bithynia, who married the then Roman general Constantius I
Clare was born at Montefalco, Italy, around 1268. As a young woman she joined a convent of Franciscan tertiaries. This
St. Stephen the Great (977-1038), was the son of the Magyar chieftain Geza, Stephen succeeded him as leader in 997.
Bishop and companion of St. Augustine. He was born in Tagaste, North Africa, and was raised as a friend of
Maximilian was born in 1894 in Poland and became a Franciscan. He contracted tuberculosis and, though he recovered, he remained
Martyr of Rome, with Concordia and other companions, he is a controversial figure who censured Pope St. Callistus I. Hippolytus
Martyr of Vietnam. He was the mayor of a town in Vietnam when the persecution of Christians started. Michael was
Clare was a beautiful Italian noblewoman who became the Foundress of an order of nuns now called “Poor Clares.” When