St. Januarius
St. Januarius was born in Italy and was bishop of Benevento during the Emperor Diocletion persecution. Bishop Januarius went to
St. Januarius was born in Italy and was bishop of Benevento during the Emperor Diocletion persecution. Bishop Januarius went to
St. Joseph was born at Cupertino, in the diocese of Nardo in the Kingdom of Naples, in 1603. After spending
Born at Montepulciano, Italy, October 4, 1542, St. Robert Bellarmine was the third of ten children. His mother, Cinzia Cervini,
Cornelius whose feast day is September 16th. A Roman priest, Cornelius was elected Pope to succeed Fabian in an election
The massacre of the martyrs of Lyons with their bishop, St. Pothinus, took place during the persecutions of Marcus Aurelius
Patroness of poor peasants and servants in the Tyrol. Born in Rattenberg, in the Tyrol, she was the daughter of
St. John, named Chrysostom (golden-mouthed) on account of his eloquence, came into the world of Christian parents, about the year
Bishop and preacher, one of the saints whose life has been woven into the myths and legends of Ireland. He
The holy confessor Paphnutius was an Egyptian who, after having spent several years in the desert under the direction of
Bishop of Albi and a friend of Pope St. Gregory I the Great. Also called Sauve, he was a native