Daily Gospel – MT 1:16, 18-21, 24A
Jacob was the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary. Of her was born Jesus who is called the Christ.
Jacob was the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary. Of her was born Jesus who is called the Christ.
The Jews picked up rocks to stone Jesus. Jesus answered them, “I have shown you many good works from my
Jesus said to the Jews: “Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever keeps my word will never see death.” So
Jesus said to those Jews who believed in him, “If you remain in my word, you will truly be my
Jesus said to the Pharisees: “I am going away and you will look for me, but you will die in
Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in
Some in the crowd who heard these words of Jesus said, “This is truly the Prophet.” Others said, “This is
Jesus moved about within Galilee; he did not wish to travel in Judea, because the Jews were trying to kill
Jesus said to the Jews: “If I testify on my own behalf, my testimony is not true. But there is
Jesus answered the Jews: “My Father is at work until now, so I am at work.” For this reason they