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Send His Love… Anywhere in the World today!

There is so much for which we have to be thankful and no shortage of miracles that the Lord reveals each and everyday. Do you sometimes wonder what you can do to give back to God for all that He has given to you? What can you do for Him in return for all you have received in your life?

Your prayer and support of allows this webcast from the St. Louis Cathedral. Your gift, no matter how small, is vital to bringing the Gospel around the world.

When our Lord said, “Do this in memory of me,” He made no stipulations. His intention was to include everyone via whatever means available. Through the use of television and Internet, all who desire to be close to Him may be present.

If you prefer to give your information to one of our representatives via telephone, please email us with your contact information and we will contact you for your donation.

Willwoods Community
3900 Howard Ave
New Orleans, LA 70125
(504) 830-3700

All gifts help support, A Willwoods Community Ministry., His Love…Anywhere in the World is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 corporation; all gifts are deductible to the full extent allowable by law. No products or services are provided in exchange for gifts received.

Thank you for choosing to pray for and support this ministry. Your prayers and generous spirit will also allow us to minister to the infirmed, home-bound and to those searching for spiritual healing.

May God richly bless you,

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"You are my refuge and shield; in your word I hope."
- Psalm 119:11