Sts. Marcellinus and Peter
Though we know very little about these two martyrs under Diocletian, there is no question that the early church venerated
Though we know very little about these two martyrs under Diocletian, there is no question that the early church venerated
Christian apologist, born at Flavia Neapolis, about A.D. 100, converted to Christianity about A.D. 130, taught and defended the Christian
Benedictine abbess and miracle worker. She was the daughter of Count Berthold of Andechs, in modem Bavaria, Germany. The count
St. Joan of Arc is the patroness of soldiers and of France. On January 6, 1412, Joan of Arc was
Martyr of England. She was born Margaret Plantagenet, the niece of Edward IV and Richard III. She married Sir Reginald
Bishop of Trier, Germany, from 332, and a miracle worker. He was probably born at Silly, France, and succeeded St.
At the end of the sixth century anyone would have said that Augustine had found his niche in life. Looking
If one had to choose one saint who showed the humorous side of holiness that would Philip Neri. Born in
It would be easy to concentrate on the mystical experiences God gave this saint, rather than on her life. In
David, the youngest son of Scotland’s virtuous queen, (Saint) Margaret, succeeded his brother to the Scottish throne in 1124. David’s